Discover Giving
God has been good to us and we respond by giving back to him through the local church where He has placed us. The Bible encourages us to give regularly, sacrificially and cheerfully. It is with thankful hearts that we give our finances and time back to God as an act of worship.
UK TaxPayers & GiftAid
If you are a UK taxpayer then gifts made by any method can be increased by 25% through the Gift Aid scheme administered by the church.
Please register for the Gift Aid scheme by filling out the Gift Aid declaration form. Please then return the completed form, duly signed, to the church office, pop it in the offering basket on Sunday, or email it to martina.beard@rediscoverchurch.com
How To Give
There are numerous ways people give at Rediscover Church:
In our weekly offerings at one of our services
Standing Order
Sort Code: 60-05-16
Account Number: 18537510
Online Giving
Givt App - details as below
Online Giving
This is a simple and easy way to give. You can give a one-time gift or set up regular giving!
If you wish to set up a regular form of giving e.g. monthly, or wish to donate to a specific fund please use this link:
Giving via Mobile - Givt App
The Givt App is a way to give easily from your phone. Download the Givt App from either the App Store or Google Play. Click here to watch a video for further information. Please have your bank details to hand as you will require them in the setting up process.
On the App scroll down to find Rediscover Church Exeter and then make your payment. Simply follow the instructions.
Alternatively use the camera on your phone to scan the QR Code below:
Financial Governance
Rediscover Churches are a part of the Elim Pentecostal Churches in the UK & Ireland (Registered Charity Number: 251549) and are subject to strict financial governance and ethical practises. The local leadership works with the Elim Churches national office to ensure compliance with all requirements and external auditors are commissioned to oversee the accounts.