Begins Tuesday 4th February, 7.30pm

9 week course

This discipleship course is suitable for every Christian and is based on the fact  that knowing and connecting with the truth of Christ is the key to freedom (John 8:32). 

The course first helps people grasp all that happened the moment they became Christians: who we are in Christ; the truth of God’s unconditional love; why there is no condemnation; why we don’t have to languish in cycles of sin, negative thinking and hopelessness. But good teaching on its own is not enough. Although the key to freedom is knowing the truth (John 8:32), simply telling people the truth doesn’t mean that they really know it.

The purpose of the course is to help people to:

Freedom in Christ Logo.png
  • LIVE out their new identity in Christ,

  • BREAK through to spiritual maturity,

  • UNCOVER strongholds and deception

  • RESOLVE issues from the past

  • BECOME a genuinely fruitful disciple.

Here’s what a previous participant had to say:

I had been a Christian for over forty years when I first did the Freedom in Christ Discipleship Course and I found that it helped me to apply Scripture to my life in a more meaningful way and brought a new reality and confidence to my walk with God.  Whenever issues arise in my life I still find the Freedom in Christ teaching very helpful.  The course has given me scriptural tools for continued growth as a disciple of Christ.”