A Video Series on 1 Chronicles
by Diana Bastone
Have you read 1 Chronicles before? Give this Bible study a watch!
Here is the handout that goes alongside this study:
While reading through the book it may be helpful to:
Get creative by drawing pictures or objects to help your understanding of the sacrificial systems.
Remember the three ‘p’s :
Primary - Ask: How did it apply to the Hebrews at the time?
Prophetic - Ask: How does it point us to Jesus?
Personal - Ask: How does it apply to me today?
Read David’s magnificent prayer in 1 Chronicles 29. Consider your own spiritual heritage. Would you like to model such godly strength and character as his to your own children? What steps do you need to take in order to echo truthfully David’s attitude in verse 11, “Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours” (NIV)?
Knowing that He tests the heart and is pleased with integrity (1 Chronicles 29:17), ask the Spirit to fill you daily and guide your steps that future generations might be blessed.