Food Hub
Every Thursday 11:30am - 1pm
Open to anyone - Just come to the Main Auditorium
Our aim as a Church is not only to help disciple believers but empower the Church to help show the love of Jesus to our community.
Every Thursday in the church building we run a Food Hub, whereby anyone who is struggling with the purchasing of food at the moment, can come along and pick up a range of different items to take home for free.
It is an amazing opportunity for those who do not have regular contact with a local church, to experience God through the service we provide.
If you have any food you would like to donate or would like to join our Team of volunteers
Email: jason.ham@rediscoverchurch.com
Anyone can come in and is welcome to one of our food parcels
In each bag there is a mixture of luxuries and necessities, long life products as well as fresh food from fair share every week.
You will be greeted at the door, and we will walk along the tables with you and help pack some bags of food for you!
Either bring your own bags or we will have some here for you to take home.