Welcome to Exeter

IN PERSON - 10:30 AM at Pop Up Church
Full Address: (Former Range Store) Unit 1, Haven Banks, Water Lane, EX2 8BY
FIRST TIME? Here’s all you need to know…


Coming Up In The Life Of The Church…
Sharing the Good News in the power of the Spirit. Join us for an engaging and empowering journey on the Evangelism Equip course, where you’ll gain the knowledge, skills and confidence to effectively share the gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Explore the basics of the Christian faith over great food, in an informal and welcoming environment, where no question is out of bounds
A big welcome to all freshers and returning students to Exeter! You're in for an amazing year ahead and we have so many exciting events coming up
Join us for new Bible adventure as we dig deep into God’s Word and learn and share together! Learn and grow with others in this community
Are you in business or looking to start something fresh? Kingdom Business exists to equip you through weekly Zoom calls and a new course starting soon.
Life Groups provide an opportunity for people to find meaningful relationships with like minded people and get involved in the life of the church family.
Be kept up to date with all the exciting things taking place in the life of our church
A worship night to flame fires of faith! A powerful night encountering the presence of God in praise, worship and prayer.
Join us live every Sunday at 9.30am and 11.30am. Click here be part of our online family watching from across Devon and the country!

Join us for a special afternoon tea with Colin Mitchell as he shares his unique insights into life in Israel at this time.