Lunch Time Prayers

'Heavenly Father my stomach tells me I need fuel to replenish my strength but O how my spirit needs You all the more. Jesus said that we would not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the Father - I pray I will get nourished today by your word and by hearing your voice speak into my life. Please give me the courage and wisdom to respond to your voice.

Fill me with your truth - I know that your truth will set me free from every snare that the enemy sets against me. My desire is to do Your will - help me in the remainder of this day to find my strength in You - so that I may build my life upon the truth of Your word. That my life will be built on solid foundations and not on sand.

May I hear your voice, live your truth and be your voice to others this day I pray. In Jesus name AMEN.'

Heavenly Father I thank you for all the blessings you have poured into my life.


I thank you for the many good things you are doing in the life of our church. We are so grateful for the many testimonies of spiritual growth, miraculous provision, healed bodies and financial provision. Thank you for both the many who have begun a journey of discovering you and those who have found you.

We thank you for all that you are doing across all ages in the church - right from the very youngest through to the oldest.

We pray that you will:

  • Protect the unity of the church - help keep our eyes fixed on you. We understand that you bless those who dwell together in unity (Psalm 133:1) and that the enemy has throughout church history made strategic attacks against such unity

  • Increase the presence of God in all our lives, activities and gatherings

  • Grant us wisdom as we seek to serve the Lord in stewarding that which He entrusts to us

  • Miraculous provision for all the adventures ahead, including knowing Gods perfect plan on addressing the need for more space to accommodate more people

I thank you that you have heard each of these prayers and are able to do even more than I can ask or imagine. AMEN

'Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us'

Ephesians 3:20