Morning Prayers

'Heavenly Father - I come to you at the start of this new day - a new day that is a gift from you. Help me to overflow with gratitude for the many blessings you have poured into my life.

I thank you that your mercies are new this and every morning. I thank you that because of your unmerited favour, I am able to approach you with confidence. Thank you for the daily invitation you give me to approach you, my loving heavenly Father. Help me to trust you with all of my heart today in every circumstance.

I pray that you will be in my thoughts, my words, my attitudes and actions this day.'

'One thing I ask of you Lord, this is what I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life; to behold the beauty of the Lord and to seek Him in His temple' Psalm 27:4

'Heavenly Father - what an honour it is for me to be able to call you my Father. You are loving, kind, patient, faithful and generous towards me and I know that you have been looking forward walking through this day with me.

I may not know what this day will bring but I know that you will be with me - and as well as being loving and kind, you are resourceful, insightful and full of wisdom. I pray that I will not allow you to be a silent partner in my day, but that you will help me invite you into each thought, each decision and each conversation. I pray you will show me this day how you can not only make yourself known to me but through me - may you shine through me brightly this day.

Infuse my vision, my creativity and my activities this day and I pray that I will give you all the glory.

In Jesus name AMEN'

Have you tried praying in circles? You start at the core, praying for yourself and those closest to you. Then you can repeat the prayers for others as you work your way towards the outside of the circles.

For example: Praying for wisdom

I pray that you will fill my life with your wisdom. You have promised in your word that if anyone lacks wisdom then we should ask you and you will give it generously

I pray that you will fill my family with your wisdom - may they know your help in making the best decisions and choices this day

I pray that you will grant wisdom to everyone in my Rediscover Family - that they will know your ways in every circumstance of their day. Please grant wisdom to the leaders as they discern your will for the days ahead.

I pray that you will grant heavenly wisdom to the council leaders, members of parliament, business leaders, care workers etc across the county of Devon. May they make decisions that serve the purposes of your Kingdom.